Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th and Final Launch

Mass of rocket empty: 155.16g
Mass of rocket w/ water: 644.67g
Flight time: about 9 seconds
Time to max height: 4 seconds
Estimated height: 25 ft

From the other launches we used less water, a new cone, and we used a different technique for the parachute. We hung the strings on the outside of the rocket and stuck the parachute inside the cone. This allowed the parachute a guarantee of deployment. It was very successful because it was in the air for about 9 seconds which is a huge improvement. We could have pumped a little more air into it to make it go that much further but we kept the pressure at 80. The rocket overall was a successful one, it just needs the right weather conditions and a good amount of air pumped into it (:


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